Monday, 7 March 2011

Music Mondays - Translation of Saber Amar by Paralamas do Sucesso

"Paralamas do Sucesso" is one of my favourite Brazilian bands and I would easily compare them to Coldplay, although they have been going for much longer. 

Originally founded on the 70s, Paralamas do Sucesso are also known as one of the original "Big Four" bands of Brazilian Rock. Its current formation has been together since 1982, the year I was born. "Saber Amar" (Knowing How to Love) is one of my favourite songs and it was on the charts around the time I came over to the UK in 1999 so it marks an important moment for me. The lyrics are just beautiful and the melody is just so relaxing and catchy I cannot help but dance along. Here is the translation for you. What do you think?

OUT OF CURIOSITY: Paralamas is a play on the word "Para-lamas" which is what you call a car bumper in Portuguese, so the translation for the name of the band would be "Success Bumpers". For more information on Paralamas do Sucesso click here.


by Paralamas do Sucesso

A crueldade de que se é capaz / The cruelty humanity is capable of
Deixar pra trás os corações partidos / Leaves behind broken hearts
Contra as armas do ciúme tão mortais / Against the deadly weapons of jealousy
A submissão às vezes é um abrigo / Submission is sometimes a safe haven

Saber amar / Knowing how to love
Saber deixar alguém te amar / Knowing how to let somebody love you

Há quem não veja a onda onde ela está / People sometimes don't see where the waves are
E nada contra o rio / And they swim against the tide
Todas as formas de se controlar alguém / All the ways you can manipulate somebody
Só trazem um amor vazio / Will only bring you an empty love

Saber amar / Knowing how to love
É saber deixar alguém te amar / It's knowing how to let somebody love you

O amor te escapa entre os dedos / Love escapes in between your fingers
E o tempo escorre pelas mãos / And time drips off your hands
O sol já vai se pôr no mar / The sun is already setting 

Amar / To love
Saber deixar alguém te amar / To know how to let somebody love you 

Há quem não veja a onda onde ela está / People sometimes don't see where the waves are
E nada contra o rio / And they swim against the tide
Todas as formas de se controlar alguém / All the ways you can manipulate somebody
Só trazem um amor vazio / Will only bring you an empty love

Saber amar / Knowing how to love
É saber deixar alguém te amar / It's knowing how to let somebody love you

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